I know what you're thinking--get your mind outta the gutter! I've realized that after THE LONG RUNS that getting in the shower is where the feet hit the pavement. I mean you have this run you have mixed feelings about it and then when you get in the shower and the hot water is slowly relaxing your muscles, that's when you know: did I or did I not chafe during this activity??
The answer for me:
YES YOU DID! dangit, those cries of agony from the shower post long run are just deafening! I mean I look at this little red line or area and I think you should be gushing blood for how bad you hurt right now! And then the rest of the day, I'm limping around not because my logs are killing me, but because of a little chafe action from my soaking wet shorts!
So, yes, I did do the long run today in KC with my lovely friend Beth! We started out at Tomahawk Creek trail headed all over Lea-HOOD (haha, ya right, ain't no hood 'bout it--except for me apparently) and we snaked our way all over the place! Cool scenery, paved trail, passed LOTS of other athletes on bikes and running and had ample water supply. Beth did NOT wipe out on the bike, and she was a great companion the whole way. We did get a little trail-confused around miles 5-7ish but managed to squeeze in an extra loop and it was all good. In my head I divided the 12 miles into 4 parts and kept thinking about 3 mile increments. That helped me think about it in sections as opposed to a never-ending run. We were chatty and I was able to talk because I was going slower than usual for me. I really wanted to have negative splits and did manage that most of the last 6 miles. I wanted to get DONE so I told B I was picking it up at the 8.5 mark and that helped my legs actually feel better-believe it or not. Making my stride longer helps my knees so I need to pay a little more attention to that. I will be honest, the last mile and half were REALLY difficult! I wanted so badly to be done so I tried to go faster, but that wasn't happening very easily so it was tough. B, again was a rockstar, and provided some distraction questions and I think all I wanted to do was be done so my "what would your dream house look like?" was a pretty shabby response! We walked for .63 afterwards and I definitely feel stiff and tired. I really wanted to finish under 2 hours and did!! 1:57!! (that's HOURS)
Here's some pre/post pics of the journey!

The trail ahead, it was open at parts and other times it felt like running through an enchanted forest where all your dreams could come true..

At the park, ready to disembark, nope, it's not dark....I'm done.

And whodda thunk little Avalon could haul a bike? I did, but I didn't expect for the weird thumping sensation that I hear and feel now that I'm in KC... :(

Look at that loyal friend! She's ready to ROCK that bike with her cycling shoes and safety-first helmet! :)

Post-run wetness.

Gu pack trash. No, I will not litter along the trail! A word about the GU--NOT a fan! I mean, I spit a lot when I'm running and the stuff I spit out, it was like what was in those GU packs. It was like trying to swallow snot-rockets! I know that's sick, but honestly, I was like phantom chewing and trying to swallow GU! Not my favorite thing--like chews much better, I know it's weird.
Well friends, that's quite a recap:) I'm off to a Vegan/Raw food festival today with the 'rents; it's bound to be entertaining! I'll take pics for posting later!
Have a great weekend!!