Just a glimpse really...but the head vs. heart battle...I don't understand it. I don't want to get too heavy on the blog, but honestly, what else is like this?
These guys knew: Winter Winds
And if your strife strikes at your sleep
Remember spring swaps snow for leaves
You'll be happy and wholesome again
When the city clears and sun ascends
And my head told my heart
"Let love grow"
But my heart told my head
"This time no"
And my head told my heart
"Let love grow"
But my heart told my head
"This time no
This time no"
With an excellent trumpet solo blaring in the background...thank you Mumford & Sons.
This exists in the shoulds. You know, like I should do this, or I shouldn't go here, or shoulda done this. The shoulds. They make us feel we should want something different than we really do. Our head knows what's good, what is best, but the heart...oh the heart, it's a fickle thing.
In this place, I wonder if we bargain? You know, when we ask God for something in exchange for something else? I'll be good...I'll be better...just, please?
Hope this isn't too much for the blog on a Saturday morning.
Saturday, June 25, 2011
Friday, June 24, 2011

I just finished this. I get sad when I finish really good books. I get sad when a really good movie is over. There's a piece of me that connects with the story, the characters, the adventure, their hearts, and then it's just over. It's a little bit of a loss. My soul kinda searches out questions like, "What now? What's going to happen next ? What about this? What next?" Maybe that just means the Author is good at what he/she does, right? I mean I was moved by a piece of work, a creation that someone else labored over, that's probably a goal they have. I guess, simply, I was moved by this story and I connected with the characters. If you've got time, I recommend it.
Tuesday, June 7, 2011
Forever HillS

Good morning,
The morning after a long run/race is a bit questionable, you never quite know what to expect, how your body will be responding to the strain from the day's previous efforts. Well, this morning is no exception, I am surprised! Dare I say that my upper body is more sore than my lower after running a hilly 1/2 marathon? It's weird, I know, but I think it goes to show that going up and down hills is a total body effort.
Let me begin with Friday (the night before the race). We caught a Mumford & Sons Concert at City Market with some friends Amy and Maris & Co. Cake opened for them, and then my phone battery died, so no pics.

So yes, the alarm went off at 5:30AM, a good 5 hours after going to bed from previous night--thankfully slept well! Chugged a whole bunch of water before bed, not to stave off a hangover, but to reinforce the hydration levels before a grueling race the next day.
Which brings me to the race...I was pretty nervous. I may look all smiley picking up my packet, but that countdown clock was rattling my nerves. There just seemed to be so many things out of my control...the heat, the course, the sweating-excessiveness, the meeting up with Brad for electrolyte chews, arrival time, meeting up with friends/parents at the end...that's a lot! AND, run 13.1 of the hilliest miles I've ever ran in my life!
Let me just say that running with Jenna is probably the best thing about my last semester of life. It just works so easily for us to run together, pace well, and cheer each other on...we can laugh together, give high-fives, struggle together, and bear each other's grimaces and anguished cries...not a bad pairing, if you ask me! Hence, on race day when one of us struggled, the other one was strong, not necessarily outspoken, but we relied on each other through the course. I think we decided that about 75% of the course was uphill and the heat/humidity was beyond oppressive. I can typically handle warm temps, I mean, I sweat, but it doesn't stifle me--race day was stifling. I think the greatest battle that was waging was between my body and the heat! We couldn't get enough water, we couldn't sweat fast enough, and I couldn't hold on to those ice-cubes passed out by precious people along the course long enough. It was hard.

Luckily ALL of those little details of seeing/meeting up with people without cell-phones in hand worked out! We pushed each other, Jenna REALLY helped me at the end and we made it.

I couldn't really connect in celebration so much that day. I more focused on walking slowly and hydrating.

Jambo tried to sleep too..

Sitting in Kate's carseat...head resting on driver's seat..she's sweet.
Well, I think that's all I've got for now...it's summer, and I'm taking a graduate course, which means I have homework that needs tending too! Eeck, homework in the summer, wish me luck! ;)
Thursday, June 2, 2011
Some of summa...
This commemorates the first week of summer for me. It's 10:25 AM, I woke up at 9:45 AM, and I'm sipping coffee and watching LIVE with Regis and Kelly. That's summer folks. I had a pretty fun adventure yesterday with my buddy Kate.
I think she's saying, "I'm ready for the Paaaaaark!" here. We left when the sun was out, but shortly after arriving at the park the clouds rolled in and we played for about 45 min, before coming home. It was pretty fun to push Kate in the stroller and walk by people that would smile, and look at her then look at me...assumption that she was mine? I kinda liked it. I don't think Maris would mind, right?! :) We had a great time playing...Kate had a great time hiding from me during nap time. It was so cute, I had to try REALLY hard not to laugh when she poked her head out of the hamper than she was silently hiding in. I looked for a good 5 minutes before the hamper lid creaked open...and she just let me call her name and search pretty intently for her. That little stinker!
I'm pretty excited for the first Ultimate Frisbee Game tonight, another "official summer kick-off event!"
This commemorates the first week of summer for me. It's 10:25 AM, I woke up at 9:45 AM, and I'm sipping coffee and watching LIVE with Regis and Kelly. That's summer folks. I had a pretty fun adventure yesterday with my buddy Kate.

I'm pretty excited for the first Ultimate Frisbee Game tonight, another "official summer kick-off event!"
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