After the run, soooo cold! My clothes had misty water-droplets that had gathered on the outside of them that was the precipitation that looked like fuzz on my clothes. It was a pretty good race, despite the cold/stuff falling from the sky! I ran with a student, Karly, and I told her, at any time that she is free to go on ahead and leave me to fend for myself! But, we stayed together, she pushed me up those hills and through those hurried recovery sessions! We both are pretty competitive and passed two other chicas going into the home stretch! I felt good about it, they weren't all that pleased, but man, we booked it in there to make the grand tag to our teammate that would run the remaining 3.1 miles. Karly and I ran 3.1 in 27:30! A PR for me and I'm sure a nice little jog for her! ;)
I told Beth that I would just keep going with her for the remaining 3.1, but as I passed that finish line, I had to stop and gasp some air. I took some recovery time and then met up with her and ran the remaining 2+ miles with her! It was a good time!
We hurried home after the race and I couldn't wait to take off my wet clothes and warm up in the shower! It took a while, but eventually my lips returned to their normal color.
I'm currently writing this from the comfort of my couch on my 2nd consecutive snow day!! The wind is looking quite fierce and blowing the snow around....maybe I'll stay in today? hmm...
Until next time,
I am darn hot in that first picture!