This is going to be a long one! The past 48 hours have been non-stop activity in Shelby's world! I've been going....going....going....and then last night: SLEEPING! :)
To start off, I took some FUN students to a leadership training at Living Water Ranch, and we had a great time! Here are some pics of the day from our eyes:

Really cool--waterslide dug out from the "mountain"--it went surprisingly fast and furious! The chicas chose not to bring their swimsuits so we watched others flail about and then decided on a hike at my prompting! :)

Which led us to THIS! TA DA! We climbed to the top of this MONSTERous hill and bonded the whole way:) It was really fun! We created it to be quite the adventure and it was worth it the whole way up. We stood around the top and enjoyed the view for a while before coming down and then we felt quite proud of ourselves:) I cooled off afterwards by cannon-balling into THIS you might be asking it Jesus? Is it a dove? Well, friends, I contest that it could be both--but I think we concurred on: DOVE.
Later that night...Wedding time! I went to a colleague's wedding at St. Isadore's Church and took some pics of great peeps I work with! I sincerely apologize for not taking more pics at the event, I was distracted by intense hunger! It was a 7PM wedding and I didn't eat before and they did unveil the finger-foods until carrots and celery didn't quite satisfy!

Aren't they cute? The Sig's are a great family! I really enjoy being around them!

Macy is 1 already!! So beautiful and so fun! So I had to jet outta the wedding sooner than I would have liked (10PM) to get home and catch some zzzz's before the big race! Inagural Brew to Shoe 10K! Had to be at Manhattan Running Company at 6:30 to pick up my race packet...which means I got out of bed at 5:40 to give myself a chance to wake up/eat and get ready.. to look like this:

But feeling like this........

haha, I'm a nerd, I know:)
The race was pretty good for me. I was a little disappointed by my time, but the elements were not my usual conditions: extreme HEAT and WIND! The race started at 8:10ish and I was hungry because I only ate a banana at 5:50 and 2 chunks of watermelon, so I had some gatorade before the run. Well, that wasn't the best idea because during the intense heat because I started to not feel so hot around mile 2.5. I kinda wondered if I was going to lose my cookies along the race but I told myself: do NOT throw up, keep it down! So around water stop 3 I threw water on my face and forged on. The shade felt really good along part of the course, but then it was gut check time up one HUGE hill! I felt good to maintain running the entire time and then coast down. I finished in 58:05 which was slower than I wanted, but I honestly feel like I ran a smart race and listened to my body the entire time. I always pride myself on passing people and never getting passed:) I don't have any post-race pics because I was enjoying the festivities too much! :)
Happy-Restful-Sunday all! :) I think JG are going to attack the weed jungle aka: backyard this afternoon!