Well friends the sickness has been the forefront of my mind, but not any longer! I ran today on the treadmill down in the workout/blue dungeon room at the high school! woohoo!

That looks like my reading material in the right cup holder-but I'm pretty sure it's the instruction manual on how to use that bad boy...needless to say, but I did NOT read it;) I ran slower than my normal pace but did 3 miles with a .30 cooldown afterwards. It felt pretty good, I was definitely more winded during/afterwards as there is still junk in my sinues, etc, but I was pleased! I started to think while I was running that my mindset about my body has changed just a little bit during this training process. I can remember working out in the evenings as a way to "work off" some junk that I ate during the day, almost like a form of punishment for myself. I used to do heavy resistence and high speed, or heavy weight and high repitition in the name of "pushing myself," when in actuality it was a way for me to beat down my body--like it or I had been bad. I was kind of aware of this when it was happening, but notice a shift now in my thinking. When I was running, I was really wanting to treat my body well and be kind to it so hopefully it will continue to hold up and do what I'm asking it to do week after week. I began to see running as a means to treating my body well and with respect not something that must be broken-down day after day.
Not-so-ironically-I spent some time reading this verse earlier in the week:
Learn to appreciate and give dignity to your body, not abusing it, as is so common among those who know nothing of God. 1 Thes. 4: 4,5 It was refreshing to think about! Just like these flowers :)

Well, the G-ma in me is ready for bed! I wasn't allowed to take and post a pic of my workout buddy in the dungeon this evening--but it was fun gettin' work done wit ya! Not everyone can say that they work out with the--oh sshhh, I'm not saying, that's right;)
Goooodnight moon!
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