Saturday, August 1, 2009

Basically a 1/2 Marathon!

Helloooo blog world! :)

I am writing to you fresh from finishing a 13 mile jaunt that took me all over the great city of Manhattan! If you saw me, I hope I didn't look like I was dying:) Here's some pre and post pics for your viewing pleasure! I feel the pictures create a great recap of the experience..
This face was not going with me:) But she did laugh at my "outfit" and took this pre-pic
Got some sweet gear happening here, new Mizuno top and shorts. Fuel Belt was SUPER necessary for long runs, iPod shuffle, Garmin watch, sweet UnderArmor visor! J laughs at me, but this stuff is super necessary for sweat wicking and hydration!
Ok, so the run was good, slept in a bit until 7 because said it was still going to be stormy at 6AM so I waited it out! Was a bit concered the night before about my route and if anyone was going to be able to join me and where I would get water. But, after some planning, I felt pretty good about my city route today! I wanted a change of pace, so I ran all through Manhattan down Anderson to Hudson (KILLER hills) to Kimball to N. Manhattan Ave, back to Anderson to Tuttle Creek/Walmart area to McCall to Hayes and DONE! Whew! It was a lot! Glad to be near gas stations where I could hop in and look sweaty (not too difficult) and they'd let me feel up my water! I liked going DOWN hills a lot--it felt great to accelerate and really stride out--the up part felt like I was wading through a swamp--not super encouraging!
I had a friendly visitor at 9 miles that gave me some ICE cold water and much needed mental boost--I unfortunately pushed STOP on my Timer and forgot to start it until I had already done maybe .35--.50 of a mile! Eeek! That can mess with your mental toughness because knowing how much is left is CRUCIAL for me:) So, I just tried to focus on my route and GET DONE! Finished just over 2 hours, like maybe 2:05-ish:) Here's some post pics--note the dirty shoes from wading through some swampy sidewalks and general wetness!

Love the Mizuno Wave's--they are really great, I have 2 pairs that I alternate with!
LOVE chews--so much better than nasty-GU! I told you Ben S...I'm off the GU for life:)
Post-run Nutrition: Green monster and some coffee to feed my caffeine addiction!
Going, going...
And skunk-brain/face is back in the house! His smell is tolerable from about 2 feet away:) He likes to sit and wait for me to get done blogging so we can play--or he can play with J! LOVE SmartWater!
That's all for now, time for the pool and relaxation!!
Have a great weekend all! :)

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