Hi all!
Less than 2 weeks and I will be running with around 40,000 other people through downtown Chicago for a total of 26.2 miles! Wowza! Lately, I have been very excited to be a part of the World Vision team! I got an email yesterday that my dinner is paid for at the "team dinner" on Friday night. I was on the fence about attending this, but after that I signed up my Mom and I to be there! I'm hoping to meet some cool folks and maybe a buddy or two to run the race with:) It'd really be great to be linked up with some other like minded peeps to run this last leg of the journey with! So, if you're the praying type, add that one for me please:)
This clip has really inspired me as part of the team as well: Less than 2 weeks! Check it out!
So, this picture is my desktop background right now and I really feel like it sums up how I feel sometimes about this race

Yesterday I came home from a 6 mile run, and I was icing my knee and ankle and just felt kinda mopey as I was frustrated that my legs/joints are hurting. JG asked me if I was okay, and I told her that I'm just frustrated that I don't feel really strong going into the race. She said, "You know you're probably going to feel different every day before the race as it gets closer." I'll have to remember to thank her x 1,000 for the boosts that she gives me when I need it!
I hope this doesn't read like I'm a huge drama-queen, because really, I'm only like a minor-drama-queen, and have a SLIGHTLY altered view of reality:)
On, a completely unrelated note, I'm becoming alarmingly good at the banana-slam-car-game! If you're unfamiliar with fun car games, or it's been awhile since you've hung out with adolescents, allow me to present the rules: you get to punch, or little tap, nudge whoever is in the passenger/driver seat whenever you see a YELLOW car! Now, depending on who you're playing with the rules may be altered slightly to include yellow houses, lawnmowers, dump trucks, fire hydrants, restuarants, etc...However, the excuse, "Come on, how many times do you see a yellow lawn-mower?!" can only be used once!! No cheatsies! :)
So pick up the game, start slamming the people you're in the car with, and maybe the rate of road rage will go down in our great metropolis of Manhattan, who knows?! :) But, please remember, I am not liable for bruises incurred or inflicted upon you or your loved ones!! And, if you hear this threat, "Shelby, do you really want to play this game with me? I mean you need to really think about this because I will hurt you! If you keep playing this with me I cannot be held responsonsible for how hard I hit you--I used to be a boxer!" Ahem, please JG, BRING IT! :)
Happy Hump Day! ;)