18 miles feels GREAT! I know it sounds CRAZY and it could be the running buzz (high) and the fact that this accomplishment feels awesome! I can't believe I did it, it's a huge accomplishment!! Here's some pics to recap the journey!

Before I got ready to leave my house I got on my knees. I woke up last night at 2:32AM and was nervous about this run and the length of it! So I knew I needed help and before I even laced up my shoes, I read some encouragement from Paul in Philippians about running to good race:) I laid down my anxiety and asked God to strengthen my legs, mind and keep me strong. I am really thankful because God answered those prayers!!

Yep, I sleep with earplugs and I thought I'd show you how cool my 1986 alarm clock and what time I was getting ready to leave my house to meet
BETH! Oh Beth, how I love thee!!

especially when you are wearing your helmet:) We met at the Linear trail head at Casement and she rode my studly bike and wore a mini backpack with water/cameras/ kleenexes and 1/2 a powerbar. She was awesome! Such an encourager and coach and pushed me when I needed it! I told her at mile 2.5 that I wanted and needed her to push me and not let me stop as we kept going! She said, "uh yeah, I won't let you stop, NO stopping, especially after mile 15!" At that point, I knew it was going to be tough but I could do it! I need to be pushed every once and awhile and it felt grrrreat!

Before heading out--yep, that's what we look like:) So on the way we passed a few runners at various times along the trail. I love the commraderie among runners! I mean, that is close to being my FAVORITE part and what gets me really excited about the marathon!! We passed people and they asked, "good job! how far are you going?" to which I replied, "18" Immediately the next question is, "what are you training for?" Which I proudly boast, "Chicago Marathon!!" it felt great, other questions ensued like how far you going, what are you training for, etc...I loved it! The encouragment was such a booster for me!

Half-way point--wetness picture! Beth is entertained by my sweating cability and I do like to entertain!

which is why she likes to find the dry spot and take a picture of that--just to point out the color variation!

All done! Felt good and I was REALLY glad to be done! There were some really fun action shots taken around mile 12 and more scenic pics taken on Beth's camera...I'll share those when I get them:)

I don't know why this isn't rotated, but look how hardcore she is: muddy bike, pants and pack, she's aggressive with those puddles, gets after that mud!

At the end, just a little bit wetter:)

So, here's to Chicago! I'm coming for you soon! So look out world, because I'm running in that marathon and I'm gonna kick some butt!! :) Look for me jumping for joy on ESPN Oct. 11, 2009!
Have a great Saturday all! Go Cats:)
I am SO proud of you!!!!! (and amazed at your capacity - both sweating and running and believing) :)