Hello there-
Let me update ya a bit! Wowza, I've been busy! First of all, thanks for World Vision for the sweet bracelet and little push! I'm usually not one for the thicker-rubber-plasticy-athletic bracelets, but this one...I saw and said, "ya know what, I'm wearing that until the race, I'm in all right now!" So yeah, it's been on my wrist, ever since:)
So since the bracelet and I have become friends, I've also gone on to KSU Volleyball game at Ahearn Feildhouse with a Pack-a-Parkers...:)
But this little guy was a wee bit sleepy! So, I decided to hold him a bit, and he fell fast asleep!! zzzzz's It was SUPER hot in Ahearn so I could only hold my little sauna friend for a little while before giving him back to mama! Gotta love some cute cuddly baby love!!
On to running news:
This morning, when I walked out of my room at 7:15AM I saw my little friends lazin' around on the couch..
A one NP decided to join me on the 14 mile journey on Linear Trail! But first he had to add some air to his bike via my little hamster/gerbel air compressor
Well friends, time to go! :) Happy weekend!!
Did Katie's head taste good to NP?