Good morning,The morning after a long run/race is a bit questionable, you never quite know what to expect, how your body will be responding to the strain from the day's previous efforts. Well, this morning is no exception, I am surprised! Dare I say that my upper body is more sore than my lower after running a hilly 1/2 marathon? It's weird, I know, but I think it goes to show that going up and down hills is a total body effort.
Let me begin with Friday (the night before the race). We caught a Mumford & Sons Concert at City Market with some friends Amy and Maris & Co. Cake opened for them, and then my phone battery died, so no pics.

But Cake was pretty good, at this time we were more dodging the people of the crowd trying to get closer to the stage and see the stage better for Mumford of course. Mumford & Sons played and were really good. They played some new stuff which was really good and exciting for what's to come! I couldn't fight the urge to think about how much longer I until my alarm would go off to get ready for the race though...6 hrs...5 hrs...ouch!
So yes, the alarm went off at 5:30AM, a good 5 hours after going to bed from previous night--thankfully slept well! Chugged a whole bunch of water before bed, not to stave off a hangover, but to reinforce the hydration levels before a grueling race the next day.
Which brings me to the race...I was pretty nervous. I may look all smiley picking up my packet, but that countdown clock was rattling my nerves. There just seemed to be so many things out of my control...the heat, the course, the sweating-excessiveness, the meeting up with Brad for electrolyte chews, arrival time, meeting up with friends/parents at the end...that's a lot! AND, run 13.1 of the hilliest miles I've ever ran in my life!
Let me just say that running with Jenna is probably the best thing about my last semester of life. It just works so easily for us to run together, pace well, and cheer each other on...we can laugh together, give high-fives, struggle together, and bear each other's grimaces and anguished cries...not a bad pairing, if you ask me! Hence, on race day when one of us struggled, the other one was strong, not necessarily outspoken, but we relied on each other through the course. I think we decided that about 75% of the course was uphill and the heat/humidity was beyond oppressive. I can typically handle warm temps, I mean, I sweat, but it doesn't stifle me--race day was stifling. I think the greatest battle that was waging was between my body and the heat! We couldn't get enough water, we couldn't sweat fast enough, and I couldn't hold on to those ice-cubes passed out by precious people along the course long enough. It was hard.

WE DID IT! Yes, if you look closely "Fresh Prince of Bel Air" did throw up on our medals and race-bibs..circa 1995, thanks for that Hospital Hill! We don't look terrible here, which I appreciate, I think it had been about 20 minutes after crossing the finish line. Oh man, I could barely stand up at the end, I could barely talk at the end... We were able to "sprint" to the finish and I was trying desperately to keep up with Jenna, all the while my mind racing with "AGGGHHHHONNNYYYY!!" You'll have to pardon my dramatics, but that's really how it felt!
Luckily ALL of those little details of seeing/meeting up with people without cell-phones in hand worked out! We pushed each other, Jenna REALLY helped me at the end and we made it.

I couldn't really connect in celebration so much that day. I more focused on walking slowly and hydrating.

I like this fountain picture, because this is where the race-participants "cooled-off." The Crown Center fountains were some of the best cooling mechanisms that day. I didn't play, because I was already soaking wet from sweat/sprinkler combos from the race course, but I liked that other people did! I managed to cash in on the Michelob ULTRA post-race...a wee little cup, probably not the best idea...but just wanted to be a part of the fun. Got a fantastic lunch in with Maris and the Muha's and could barely keep my eyes open the rest of the afternoon. I was mentally, and physically exhausted. I had head-rolling side to side action in the car on the way back to Manhattan, luckily Maris said she couldn't hear my snore-snorts that woke me up and startled me...she's nice! :)
Jambo tried to sleep too..

Sitting in Kate's carseat...head resting on driver's seat..she's sweet.
Well, I think that's all I've got for's summer, and I'm taking a graduate course, which means I have homework that needs tending too! Eeck, homework in the summer, wish me luck! ;)