I can't decide if I want it to be public that I watch you or not. I mean sometimes you provide such fun and happy-singing times, that I just can't help but dancing around! Other times, you try to "teach" these culturally loaded messages through over-dramatized scenarios and I want to puke. I mean, last week, "can we REALLY expect adolescents not to drink alcohol?" This week, "you're going to have sex, but ya know, ...make sure it's means something and that you're ready." Honestly, do teenagers know when they're ready? I think maybe it's a discovery made after-the-fact that sends them spiraling into various directions. Those directions often being fear, regret, shame, doubt, confusion, uncertainty...questions...
I go back and forth with you, I really do.
Oh, and I can't help but wondering if you've taken the responsibility upon yourself to personally educate teenagers on theirs and all others sexuality? Just wondering. It's interesting because sometimes on Wednesday mornings (the morning after), I want to dance around and rock out to your classic tunes. Other times, I just want to shake my head and try to move past the pseudo-glorified look at really challenging things for teens.
Thanks for letting me share that with you Glee. I'm just trying to give you that real, inside-an-actual-high-school perspective. I'll give you one thing, you're not short on Divas, and you still managed to get Gwyneth back on for a sweet little dance number!
Think about it.
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