Good evening friends,
I just finished watching
this movie: called Spirit of the Marathon that my 2nd cousin Sue recommended I watch about the training and events of the Chicago Marathon! I canNOT wait! I mean, this movie moved me to tears, made me nervous with the camera fast-forwarded course view...made my heart beat faster and made me so stinkin' excited! The anticipation of the city and the crowd and all of the things that go into it will be incredible! You should check out that movie and then it'd be like youwere there with me the whole time:)
Yesterday Beth and I completed the last long run before the race!

The sun was RIGHT in me eyeballs!

I bet you didn't realize that AFTER the marathon I will be auditioning for my role as Heisman trophy-poser. That's the person that stops and poses for a quick pic and then the trophy is sculpted based on never heard of that?? :)

Beth lookin' snazzy on the red SCHWINN!
Yesterday and today have been very nostaligic for me. Tonight I was surprised to hear our doorbell ring while I was chatting with my mom on the phone and my friend Camala brought me a marathon kit! :) It had a mini-first aid kit, travel size Tylenol (extra-strength!), gloves, hand sanitizer, chap stick, a card and a bracelet that I am going to wear that will help remind me that there are people at home that are praying for me and cheering me on, eventhough they couldn't be in Chicago! I'm getting a little misty just mentioning it to you! Such a special gift!
I've been a compulsive weather watcher lately, and will be so even more as the race approaches! Chicago baby is supposed to be about 55 degrees, and you KNOW it'll be windy! Clothing prep is in the works!
So, onto some news about this injury. I think, but am not 100% sure that I'm having IT band issues! From all the reading I've done and research I've done, and people I've talked to, the pain that is on the outside of my knee that kind of radiates down from the hip is an IT band thing. I've been adding an extra rest day, and really felt the pain on Saturday around mile 7. I prayed and slowed down a bit, and felt better as the pain eased a bit. I'm thinking that if I feel pain or twinge in my hip area during the day that I'll be on the elipitcal after school getting my miles in that way. And maybe do it again on Tuesday/Thursday! I am praying and believing God for recovery and no permanent damage to my tendons or joints! Please pray with me for guidance and wisdom as I seek to take really good care of myself this week!
I can't tell you how thankful I am for all of your hugs, questions, emails, pats on the back, and the list goes on! Thanks for cheering for me!
