The medal feels great!! I'm doing well, my heart is still beating and my lungs still taking in oxygen; I made it through
26.2 miles! I will post more about the marathon VERY soon, but for now, I just wanted to give you a glimpse of me wearing my medal this morning as I lounge around at my parent's house in KC!

I'm very sore and instead of feeling like I got hit by a truck, I feel like I just ran the Bank of America Chicago Marathon! whoop whoop!! :)
I'm sticking around KC a little longer than planned today because I was given the information of this sports rehab massage therapist that is going to do some work on not 1, but BOTH of my IT bands on the outside of my right and left legs! So, I'll be home sweet home after that:)
Look for more to come later with LOTS of fun pics of the weekend festivities in Chicago!:)
Right now, in this moment, you are my hero. What a stud.