Monday, October 5, 2009

Goodie Bag!

It's Marathon Week!

I went to Manhattan Running Co today and got some injury help! I knew I needed to get a long-sleeve moisture wick-ing shirt and some chews for race day. I went in and talked to Trey who was SUPER helpful! I got some arch-support insoles that will help the ankle issue AND an IT-band thing that I can wear above my knee to take some pressure off of my knee! I'm excited for this, but am kinda kicking myself that I didn't go in sooner to have more time to experiment with the in-soles and IT-band. I'm hopeful though!

Check it out:

Sweet thigh shot:)
All together now! Lookin' good! I was really looking for a white or blue long-sleeve, but I took what I could get, and know it's a good shirt!

I think my dressing plans for the day tomorrow have been changed so I can wear my running shoes with new insoles to help break them in! I need all the time in them I can get!

Good night!

1 comment:

  1. Hey there! I'm Lori Parker's pastor & a marathoner. She called me today to see if I had any advice for you. Looks like you've got the answers & the gear you need from this post. Breaking in your insoles & trying all your gear & goo out before is a great idea. Feel free to contact me, if you'd like to.

    I commend you & I'll pray for you!
    Run on, Aaron
