Happy almost weekend all,
Here are some more pics from last weekend in Chicago.
Coincidentally, Taylor Swift and her bf from New Moon (Jacob--can't remember his real name!) were in Chicago shopping on Michigan Ave AT the same time I was!! I....didn't happen to bump into her though :(

These sweet fountains had random
Chicagoans' faces appear and sometimes water would spit out of their mouth!

Photo Op! It was


The Bean
upclose and personal!

Cool outdoor

The street attractions were a sight to behold! This was entertaining us for a little while: Puppet Theater!

We found the Little Corner Bakery and ate for yummy lunch! Me and Mama!

Me and Amsicle [the new HIT musical] at dinner at Big Bowl the night before the Marathon!

Back at the hotel room the night before the race, getting mentally and physically prepped! :) I wrote my name on my jersey so people could cheer for me as I ran! It really helped those long miles go by faster:)
Stay tuned for more later:)
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